List of 335 dodgeball team names – funny, competitive, creative, and themed name ideas for every group.

335 Dodgeball Team Names For Every Group!


Dodgeball is a thrilling sport that combines agility, speed, and strategy. Whether you’re dodging, throwing, or diving, having a great team name can make the game even more exciting. A creative dodgeball team name not only boosts team spirit but also intimidates opponents and adds fun to the competition. Whether you’re forming a team for a local league, a school event, or just a friendly match, choosing the right dodgeball team name can make all the difference.

In this guide, we’ve compiled 335 of the best dodgeball team names across various categories, from funny and punny to intimidating and competitive. No matter your team’s vibe, you’ll find a perfect name here!

335 Dodgeball Team Names For Every Group!

Classic & Popular Dodgeball Team Names

Classic and popular dodgeball team names – best name ideas for competitive and fun teams.
Discover the best classic and popular dodgeball team names! Perfect for competitive leagues and casual play.

These names stand the test of time and are widely recognized in dodgeball circles.

  1. The Dodgefathers
  2. Fast & Flurious
  3. Ball Busters
  4. The Throwbacks
  5. Dodge Dynasty
  6. Thunder Strikers
  7. No Hit Wonders
  8. The Wrecking Balls
  9. Power Dodgers
  10. The Ballistic Squad
  11. Lightning Dodgers
  12. Firestorm Flyers
  13. The Quick Strikes
  14. Blazing Rockets
  15. The Unstoppables
  16. The Eliminators
  17. Dodge and Conquer
  18. The Dominators
  19. Speed Demons
  20. The Untouchables
  21. Slam Squad
  22. Rapid Rebels
  23. The Knockouts
  24. The Deflectors
  25. Ballistic Warriors
  26. The Lightning Bolts
  27. Dodge to Win
  28. Turbo Dodgers
  29. The Shockwaves
  30. The Defenders
  31. Ballistic Force
  32. Shock Troopers
  33. The Smashers
  34. The Red Zone Dodgers
  35. Dynamic Dodgers
  36. The Swift Strikers
  37. The Raging Bulls
  38. The Precision Shooters
  39. The Warriors
  40. Dodge or Die
  41. The Blockbusters
  42. The Hard Hitters
  43. Fireballers
  44. The Rapid Fire Squad
  45. The Storm Chasers
  46. The Flash Dodgers
  47. Speed Strikers
  48. The Impact Squad
  49. The Battleground Dodgers
  50. The Iron Fists
  51. The Phantom Dodgers
  52. The Rebel Dodgers
  53. The Ball Crushers
  54. The Dodge Kings
  55. Last Men Standing
  56. The Sharp Shooters
  57. The Dodge Assassins
  58. The Firestorm Warriors
  59. The Blaze Squad
  60. The Final Stand

Funny & Punny Dodgeball Team Names

Make your opponents laugh before you take them down!

  1. Dodge, Dip, Duck, Dive
  2. Hit Happens
  3. The Dodgefellas
  4. Ball of Duty
  5. Mission Impassiball
  6. Duck and Cover
  7. Dodgezilla
  8. Dodgeball or Nothing
  9. The Ball Dodgers
  10. Throwbocop
  11. Ducking Legends
  12. Hit Me Baby One More Time
  13. The Incrediballs
  14. Dodgeball Wizards
  15. ThrowBros
  16. Dodgerinos
  17. Hit Squad
  18. The Soft Targets
  19. Dodgy Business
  20. Avoid The Void
  21. The Dodge Whisperers
  22. The Last Throw
  23. Ain’t No Ball High Enough
  24. The Ricochet Squad
  25. Dodge This!
  26. Spherical Sabotage
  27. We’ve Got Balls
  28. Throw-Morrow Never Dies
  29. Ducking Aces
  30. The Dodgefenders
  31. Aim Low
  32. The Deflatables
  33. Hit For Brains
  34. Dodge Ops
  35. I Can’t Believe It’s Not Dodgeball
  36. The Swerve Squad
  37. Last Ball Standing
  38. Avoiding Arrest
  39. Outta Dodge
  40. The Mighty Ducks
  41. Ballistic Missiles
  42. Hit Me With Your Best Shot
  43. The Fumble Bees
  44. The Dodge Show
  45. Run Like The Winded
  46. Here for the Snacks
  47. Ballistic Buffet
  48. Dodge-nificent
  49. The No-Hit Wonders
  50. Target Practice
  51. Yeet Street
  52. Gym Class Heroes
  53. Not Fast, Just Furious
  54. Balling Out of Control
  55. Dodgeapocalypse
  56. Sudden Impact
  57. The Looney Toons
  58. Quick Feet, No Mercy
  59. Duckers Anonymous
  60. The Dodge Squad

Intimidating & Competitive Team Names

Strike fear into the hearts of your opponents.

  1. The Annihilators
  2. The Dodge Warriors
  3. Unstoppable Force
  4. The Blitzkrieg
  5. Powerhouse Dodgers
  6. The Savage Squad
  7. No Mercy Dodgers
  8. The Reckoning
  9. Ballistic Titans
  10. The Juggernauts
  11. Ruthless Runners
  12. The Storm Strikers
  13. Death Dodgers
  14. The Warlords
  15. The Ball Assassins
  16. The Heat Seekers
  17. Fury Unleashed
  18. The Raging Thunder
  19. Dodging Death
  20. The Gladiators
  21. The Alpha Squad
  22. Dodgeball Titans
  23. The Hit Squad
  24. Unrelenting Power
  25. The Avengers
  26. The Smash Bros
  27. The Dodge Demons
  28. The Powerhouse
  29. The Crushers
  30. The Executioners
  31. The Shadow Strikers
  32. The Tornadoes
  33. The Black Mambas
  34. The Relentless
  35. Deadly Aim
  36. The Steamrollers
  37. The Rampage
  38. The Hitmen
  39. The Red Vipers
  40. The Iron Giants
  41. Blood, Sweat, & Tears
  42. Lightning Reapers
  43. The Warpath
  44. The Dominance
  45. Dodge With Honor
  46. The Precision Force
  47. Conquerors of Dodge
  48. The Gladiator Squad
  49. The Knockout Kings
  50. The Destroyers
  51. The Venomous Vipers
  52. The Phantom Strikers
  53. The Havoc
  54. The Wild Hounds
  55. The Apocalypse
  56. The Overlords
  57. The Ruthless Hitters
  58. The Dodge Mavericks
  59. The Titan Force
  60. The Deathwish Squad

Themed Dodgeball Team Names

Movie-Inspired Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Dodgefather
  2. Avengers Assemble
  3. Guardians of the Ballaxy
  4. The Ballinator
  5. Dodge Hard
  6. Jurassic Dodge
  7. The Fast and the Ballious
  8. Dodge Club (First rule: Don’t get hit!)
  9. The Ballbusters
  10. The Fellowship of the Dodge
  11. Dodge Wars
  12. The Matrix Dodgers
  13. Dodge Trek
  14. The Incrediballs
  15. The Dodge Awakens
  16. Dodgepool
  17. The Justice Dodgers
  18. The Ball League
  19. The Empire Throws Back
  20. The Dodge Knight
  21. Pirates of the Dodgeibbean
  22. Dodgebusters
  23. Dodge It Like Beckham
  24. The Dodge Games
  25. The Hit List
  26. The Last Dodger
  27. Terminator: Dodge Day
  28. The Throwminators
  29. Dodgeball Begins
  30. Lord of the Throws
  31. The Untouchables
  32. The Hit Avengers
  33. The Good, The Bad, and The Dodgy
  34. Mission Impossi-ball
  35. The Dodge Side
  36. Interdodge-stellar
  37. The Dodge Supremacy
  38. Throw Story
  39. Ready Player Dodge
  40. Dodge Runner 2049
  41. The Secret Life of Dodge
  42. Dodgeball Royale
  43. Ghostdodgers
  44. The Hit Squad: Endgame
  45. Dodge Wars: The Rise of the Throwers
  46. The Ball Identity
  47. Dodge of Thrones
  48. Deadpool’s Dodgers
  49. The Ball Before Time
  50. Dodgezilla
  51. The Hitman’s Bodyguard
  52. The Dodge Code
  53. Game of Throws
  54. Rocky’s Dodgers
  55. Dodge & Furious
  56. Catch Me If You Can
  57. The Invinciballs
  58. Dodgeball: Anarchy
  59. Hitman’s Revenge
  60. The Ball Ultimatum

Music & Pop Culture-Inspired Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Rolling Throws
  2. The Dodgenators
  3. Ball Direction
  4. The Swift Dodgers
  5. Hit Me Baby One More Time
  6. Dodgebusters
  7. Smells Like Team Spirit
  8. Balloncé
  9. The Beat Dodgers
  10. Fleetwood Dodge
  11. The Throw Fighters
  12. The Fastball Boys
  13. The Dodgenators
  14. Drake & Dodge
  15. Dodge Zeppelin
  16. The Hitmakers
  17. Dodge Squad
  18. The Backstreet Throws
  19. The Dodge City Rollers
  20. The Dodge-tastics
  21. Dodge-a-licious
  22. Taylor Swift Dodgers
  23. Rolling Dodge-stones
  24. The Ballstreet Boys
  25. Dodge Marley
  26. The Hit Beatles
  27. Dodge Floyd
  28. Notorious D.O.D.G.E.
  29. The Throw Gagas
  30. The Dodgy Bunch
  31. The Dodge Tones
  32. Dodge 182
  33. Panic! At the Dodgeball
  34. My Chemical Dodgemance
  35. The Dodge Side
  36. The Ball Jovi Squad
  37. The Rock Dodgers
  38. Britney’s Ballers
  39. The Dodge Dolls
  40. The Jukebox Dodgers
  41. The High Note Dodgers
  42. Dodge Rhapsody
  43. The Hit Parade
  44. The Ball Stars
  45. The Slammin’ Dodgers
  46. The ACDC Hit Squad
  47. The Dodge-tastics
  48. One Dodge Direction
  49. The Ball Minaj
  50. The Throwing Stones
  51. The Dodger Boys
  52. The Madonna Slammers
  53. The Dodge Divas
  54. Justin Dodgerlake
  55. The Dodge Kings
  56. The Ball Breakers
  57. The Hit Machine
  58. The Quick Beaters
  59. The Ball Beats
  60. The Dodgerettes

Historical & Mythological Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Trojan Dodgers
  2. Gladiators of Dodge
  3. The Spartan Strikers
  4. Achilles’ Heel Dodgers
  5. Zeus’s Thunderbolts
  6. The Dodging Centurions
  7. The Mythic Throwers
  8. The Dodge Pharaohs
  9. The Viking Raiders
  10. The Norse Dodgers
  11. The Ballista Squad
  12. Alexander’s Dodgers
  13. The Athenian Defenders
  14. The Titan Dodgers
  15. The Hit Spartans
  16. The Roman Warriors
  17. The Hercules Dodgers
  18. The Great Wall Defenders
  19. The Dodge Samurai
  20. The Ninja Strikers
  21. The Knight Dodgers
  22. The Shield Maidens
  23. The Odin Slammers
  24. The Thor Dodgers
  25. The Zeus Blazers
  26. The Lightning Gods
  27. The Poseidon Ballers
  28. The Atlantis Warriors
  29. The Spartan Kickers
  30. The Olympians
  31. The Trojan Ballers
  32. The Ancient Dodgers
  33. The Mythos Strikers
  34. The Gladiator Smashers
  35. The Ballistic Knights
  36. The Sphinx Dodgers
  37. The Pharaoh’s Curse
  38. The Caesar Strikers
  39. The Dodge Empire
  40. The Colosseum Warriors
  41. The Battle-Hardened
  42. The Conquerors
  43. The Goliath Dodgers
  44. The Achilles Warriors
  45. The Trident Strikers
  46. The Minotaur Dodgers
  47. The Centaur Ballers
  48. The Fabled Warriors
  49. The Greek Lightning
  50. The Amazonian Throwers
  51. The Mythic Gladiators
  52. The Roman Centurions
  53. The Legendary Dodgers
  54. The War Gods
  55. The Dodge Champions
  56. The Dodge Olympians
  57. The Templar Defenders
  58. The Excalibur Dodgers
  59. The Invincible Spartans
  60. The Sacred Warriors

Clever & Creative Dodgeball Team Names

Clever and creative dodgeball team names – unique and witty name ideas for every squad.
Stand out with these clever and creative dodgeball team names! Perfect for teams that love strategy and fun.
  1. Dodge This!
  2. The Ball Dodgers
  3. No Hit Sherlock
  4. The Artful Dodgers
  5. Duck, Dip, Dive
  6. Hit Happens
  7. Throwcrastinators
  8. Dodge Like a Pro
  9. The Dodgefathers
  10. The Quick & The Dodgeless
  11. Team No Mercy
  12. Hit Me Baby One More Time
  13. The Dodge Side
  14. The Great Ballini
  15. The Untouchables
  16. Dodge Dynasty
  17. The Avoidables
  18. Aim Low, Win Big
  19. Dodge-ception
  20. Duck Season
  21. The Deflectors
  22. Dodge, Dodge, Goose
  23. The Ricochet Rebels
  24. The Teflon Squad
  25. Ballistic Missiles
  26. Dodge Instinct
  27. Evade Brigade
  28. The No Hit Wonders
  29. Blurred Vision
  30. Fast & Flurrious
  31. Reflex Masters
  32. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dodgeball
  33. The Phantom Dodgers
  34. The Last Dodgers Standing
  35. The Curveball Kings
  36. Out of Dodge
  37. The Misfit Missiles
  38. Dodging for Dollars
  39. Rapid Reflexes
  40. Dodge Wars: The Final Battle
  41. Dip & Dodge
  42. Throw-phoria
  43. Hit Squad Elite
  44. The Escape Artists
  45. Bomb Squad
  46. The No-Throw Zone
  47. Dodge-a-holics
  48. Speed Demons
  49. The Duck Dodgers
  50. Slippery When Wet
  51. Not in the Face!
  52. Turbo Dodgers
  53. Hands Off the Balls
  54. No Dodging Allowed
  55. Swat Team
  56. Slingshot Squad
  57. Dodge or Die
  58. Flight Club
  59. Run for Cover
  60. Swerve Masters

Kid-Friendly Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Dodge Explorers
  2. Jumping Jellybeans
  3. The Playful Dodgers
  4. Lightning Bolts
  5. The Bounce Bunch
  6. The Happy Hoppers
  7. Turbo Tots
  8. The Bubble Blasters
  9. The Fun Bouncers
  10. The Giggly Dodgers
  11. The Rainbow Rockets
  12. The Doodle Dodgers
  13. The Ball Buddies
  14. Zoom Zoom Squad
  15. The Sprinters
  16. Dodgeball Dragons
  17. The Friendly Fireballs
  18. The Cool Kids Club
  19. Dodgeball Unicorns
  20. The Quick Paws
  21. The Hopscotch Heroes
  22. The Mini Ninjas
  23. Dodgeball Dinosaurs
  24. The Happy Hoppers
  25. The Lightning Kids
  26. The Dodge Wizards
  27. The Bouncing Beans
  28. The Super Sprinters
  29. The Mighty Monkeys
  30. The Twinkle Toes
  31. The Dodge-a-roos
  32. The Speedsters
  33. The Bouncing Bunnies
  34. The Fast Frogs
  35. The Flashy Feet
  36. The Funky Dodgers
  37. The Super Sliders
  38. The Zippy Zebras
  39. The Sneaky Sprinters
  40. The Giggle Gang
  41. The Playground Pros
  42. The Junior Jumpers
  43. The Bubble Squad
  44. The Colorful Comets
  45. The Zoomies
  46. The Young Blazers
  47. The Dodging Dolphins
  48. The Whiz Kids
  49. The Laughing Lions
  50. The Star Sprinters
  51. The Pint-Sized Powerhouses
  52. The Mini Marvels
  53. The Quick Kittens
  54. The Jumping Jaguars
  55. The Speedy Sprouts
  56. The Leaping Lizards
  57. The Supercharged Squirrels
  58. The Zooming Zebras
  59. The Dodging Daisies
  60. The Fun Flashers

Team Names by Color

Red Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Red Rockets
  2. Crimson Crushers
  3. Scarlet Slammers
  4. The Fireballs
  5. Blazing Blazers
  6. Red Fury
  7. Cherry Bombs
  8. The Bloodhounds
  9. Burgundy Blazers
  10. Cardinal Crushers
  11. Red Reapers
  12. The Lava Lobbers
  13. The Inferno Squad
  14. The Scorchers
  15. The Heat Seekers
  16. The Ember Dodgers
  17. The Fiery Strikers
  18. Ruby Rockets
  19. Red Thunder
  20. Flaming Fury
  21. Blazing Balls
  22. The Chili Peppers
  23. The Raging Reds
  24. The Torchbearers
  25. The Sunburn Squad
  26. Magma Dodgers
  27. The Red Vipers
  28. The Scarlet Speedsters
  29. The Hot Shots
  30. Red Lightning
  31. Bloodline Dodgers
  32. The Blazing Demons
  33. The Cardinal Commanders
  34. Ruby Raiders
  35. The Red Streak
  36. The Roaring Reds
  37. The Volcano Dodgers
  38. Lava Bombers
  39. Red Devil Dodgers
  40. The Flaming Phoenix
  41. The Heatwave
  42. Scarlet Warriors
  43. The Firestorm Squad
  44. The Dragon Flames
  45. The Blazing Brigade
  46. Red Alert
  47. Crimson Storm
  48. Fireballers
  49. The Torch Dodgers
  50. The Raging Fireballs
  51. The Hot Steppers
  52. Red Carnage
  53. The Solar Flares
  54. The Pyro Dodgers
  55. The Red Barrage
  56. The Inferno Warriors
  57. The Firebrand Strikers
  58. The Blazing Inferno
  59. The Firestormers
  60. The Sizzling Ddgers

Team Names by Color

Blue Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Blue Blazers
  2. The Aqua Avengers
  3. The Navy Ninjas
  4. Sapphire Strikers
  5. Dodging Dolphins
  6. The Icy Dodgers
  7. Electric Blue
  8. The Deep Sea Smashers
  9. Midnight Thunder
  10. The Cobalt Crushers

Green Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Green Giants
  2. The Emerald Evaders
  3. Lime Lightning
  4. The Jungle Dodgers
  5. Toxic Throwers
  6. The Neon Ninjas
  7. The Hulk Smashers
  8. The Grasshoppers
  9. The Lucky Strikers
  10. The Shamrock Squad

Yellow Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Golden Dodgers
  2. The Yellow Jackets
  3. The Sunburst Squad
  4. Banana Blasters
  5. The Lemon Launchers
  6. The Solar Flares
  7. The Canary Crushers
  8. The Dandelion Dodgers
  9. The Light Speed Squad
  10. The Lightning Strikes

Orange Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Fiery Oranges
  2. The Pumpkin Smashers
  3. The Sunset Strikers
  4. The Citrus Squad
  5. The Tangerine Titans
  6. The Amber Avengers
  7. The Fireball Flyers
  8. The Burnt Orange Blazers
  9. The Heatwave
  10. The Carrot Crushers

Purple Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Royal Strikers
  2. The Purple Prowlers
  3. The Violet Vortex
  4. The Lavender Launchers
  5. The Grape Gladiators
  6. The Magenta Missiles
  7. The Amethyst Avengers
  8. The Midnight Dodgers
  9. The Plum Punishers
  10. The Purple Panthers

Pink Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Flamingos
  2. The Pink Panthers
  3. The Fuchsia Flyers
  4. The Cotton Candy Crushers
  5. The Rose Rockets
  6. The Blush Blazers
  7. The Bubblegum Bombers
  8. The Magenta Masters
  9. The Cherry Blossom Dodgers
  10. The Strawberry Slammers

Black Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Shadow Strikers
  2. The Onyx Avengers
  3. The Phantom Throwers
  4. The Eclipse Squad
  5. The Blackout Bombers
  6. The Midnight Marauders
  7. The Dark Knights
  8. The Stealth Strikers
  9. The Obsidian Outlaws
  10. The Noir Ninjas

White Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Frost Dodgers
  2. The Blizzard Bombers
  3. The Whiteout Warriors
  4. The Arctic Avengers
  5. The Snowstorm Squad
  6. The Ivory Invincibles
  7. The Polar Punishers
  8. The Diamond Dodgers
  9. The Glacier Guardians
  10. The Winter Warriors

Rainbow Dodgeball Team Names

  1. The Prism Dodgers
  2. The Color Blasters
  3. The Spectrum Squad
  4. The Technicolor Titans
  5. The Vibrant Victors
  6. The Neon Ninjas
  7. The Rainbow Rockets
  8. The Kaleidoscope Kings
  9. The Bright Blazers
  10. The Cosmic Crushers

Geographic & Localized Dodgeball Team Names

Geographic and localized dodgeball team names – city, regional, and landmark-inspired team name ideas.
Show off your hometown pride with these geographic and localized dodgeball team names! Perfect for teams inspired by cities, landmarks, and regions

Hometown Heroes

  1. The City Smashers
  2. The Local Legends
  3. The Main Street Mavericks
  4. The Hometown Hustlers
  5. The Street Squad
  6. The Metro Dodgers
  7. The Block Blazers
  8. The Urban Warriors
  9. The Neighborhood Ninjas
  10. The Homegrown Hitters

Global Shout-Outs

  1. The World Warriors
  2. The Continental Crushers
  3. The Global Strikers
  4. The International Impacts
  5. The Worldwide Wreckers
  6. The Jet Set Dodgers
  7. The Passport Players
  8. The Planetary Punishers
  9. The Universal Uproar
  10. The Borderline Bombers

Regional Traits

  1. The Bay Area Bombers
  2. The Prairie Prowlers
  3. The Mountain Mavericks
  4. The Desert Dodgers
  5. The Coastal Crushers
  6. The Heartland Hitters
  7. The Canyon Blazers
  8. The Lakefront Launchers
  9. The Valley Victors
  10. The Tundra Titans

Local Landmarks

  1. The Empire State Strikers
  2. The Golden Gate Dodgers
  3. The Rocky Mountain Runners
  4. The Big Ben Bombers
  5. The Eiffel Thunder
  6. The Liberty Launchers
  7. The Hollywood Hitters
  8. The Great Wall Warriors
  9. The Niagara Knockouts
  10. The Colosseum Crushers

Famous Features

  1. The Sunken City Smashers
  2. The Grand Canyon Crushers
  3. The Yellowstone Yarders
  4. The Pacific Punishers
  5. The Sahara Slammers
  6. The Amazon Avengers
  7. The Everest Evaders
  8. The Coral Reef Crushers
  9. The Arctic Blizzards
  10. The Volcano Dodgers

Word Blend & Made-Up Dodgeball Team Names

  1. Dodgenauts
  2. Ballisticos
  3. Evadicons
  4. Smashalots
  5. Dodgerators
  6. Flingsters
  7. Blizzballers
  8. Swiftquakes
  9. Hurlstormers
  10. Strikoflare

Geographic & Localized Dodgeball Team Names

Hometown Heroes

  1. The City Smashers
  2. The Local Legends
  3. Main Street Mavericks
  4. The Hometown Hustlers
  5. The Street Squad
  6. Metro Dodgers
  7. The Block Blazers
  8. Urban Warriors
  9. Neighborhood Ninjas
  10. The Homegrown Hitters
  11. Small-Town Slammers
  12. Community Crushers
  13. The Suburb Strikers
  14. Town Titans
  15. The Downtown Defenders
  16. Local Heat
  17. Civic Strikers
  18. The Alley Aces
  19. The Borough Ballers
  20. Hometown Heatwave
  21. The City Slickers
  22. Cornerstone Crushers
  23. Back Alley Bombers
  24. The Township Titans
  25. Parkside Punishers
  26. Metro Mayhem
  27. The Village Victors
  28. Downtown Dominators
  29. City Limits Squad
  30. The Suburb Storm
  31. The Neighborhood Ninjas
  32. The Urban Avengers
  33. The Crossroads Crushers
  34. The District Dodgers
  35. Side Street Strikers
  36. The Junction Juggernauts
  37. The Corner Crew
  38. The Block Party Bombers
  39. Metro Mavericks
  40. The Alleyway Avengers
  41. The Subway Slammers
  42. The Inner-City Impact
  43. The Gridlock Guardians
  44. The Town Square Titans
  45. The Streetwise Strikers
  46. The Local Ballers
  47. The Welcome Wagon Warriors
  48. The Cornerstone Crushers
  49. The Community Kings
  50. The Borough Bashers
  51. The Sidewalk Strikers
  52. The Main Street Marvels
  53. The Small-Town Spartans
  54. The Neighborhood Knockouts
  55. The Streetlight Slammers
  56. The Alley Athletes
  57. The Home Turf Hitters
  58. The Civic Crushers
  59. The Local Lightning
  60. The Roadside Runners

Global Shout-outs

  1. The World Warriors
  2. The Continental Crushers
  3. Global Strikers
  4. International Impact
  5. The Worldwide Wreckers
  6. Jet Set Dodgers
  7. Passport Players
  8. The Planetary Punishers
  9. Universal Uproar
  10. The Borderline Bombers
  11. The Global Gladiators
  12. The Transcontinental Titans
  13. The United Nations of Dodgeball
  14. The Hemisphere Hitters
  15. The Multinational Mavericks
  16. The Border Brawlers
  17. The Continental Commanders
  18. The Globe Trotters
  19. The World Cup Crushers
  20. The Intercontinental Invaders
  21. The Global Giants
  22. The Earthquake Squad
  23. The Hemisphere Hurricanes
  24. The International Icons
  25. The Global Blitz
  26. The Nomad Ninjas
  27. The Jetsetter Juggernauts
  28. The Foreign Furies
  29. The Global Gladiators
  30. The International Intruders
  31. The Diplomatic Dodgers
  32. The World Map Mavericks
  33. The Passport Powerhouses
  34. The Universal Underdogs
  35. The Atlas Avengers
  36. The Earthbound Strikers
  37. The Oceanic Outlaws
  38. The World Trade Warriors
  39. The Airborne Assault
  40. The Universal Uprising
  41. The Globe Gazers
  42. The Equator Enforcers
  43. The Continental Chargers
  44. The Global Express
  45. The Foreign Phantoms
  46. The Around-the-World Warriors
  47. The Nomadic Knockouts
  48. The Earth Shakers
  49. The Horizon Hustlers
  50. The Cross-Border Crushers
  51. The Migration Mavericks
  52. The Travel Titans
  53. The Diplomatic Defenders
  54. The Global Impact
  55. The Continental Storm
  56. The Passport Punishers
  57. The International Stormers
  58. The Cosmic Crushers
  59. The Airborne Strikers
  60. The Jet Lag Giants

Regional Traits

  1. The Bay Area Bombers
  2. The Prairie Prowlers
  3. Mountain Mavericks
  4. The Desert Dodgers
  5. Coastal Crushers
  6. The Heartland Hitters
  7. Canyon Blazers
  8. The Lakefront Launchers
  9. The Valley Victors
  10. The Tundra Titans
  11. The Swamp Smashers
  12. The Highland Hurricanes
  13. The Marshland Mavericks
  14. The Seaside Slammers
  15. The Everglades Evaders
  16. The Great Plains Punishers
  17. The Rocky Mountain Runners
  18. The Appalachian Avengers
  19. The River Rapids Raiders
  20. The Outback Outlaws
  21. The Arctic Annihilators
  22. The Prairie Powerhouses
  23. The Glacier Guardians
  24. The Sunbelt Strikers
  25. The Woodland Warriors
  26. The Bayou Brawlers
  27. The Coastal Commanders
  28. The Desert Dynamos
  29. The Savannah Slammers
  30. The Lakeshore Legends

Local Landmarks

  1. Empire State Strikers
  2. Golden Gate Dodgers
  3. Rocky Mountain Runners
  4. Big Ben Bombers
  5. Eiffel Thunder
  6. Liberty Launchers
  7. Hollywood Hitters
  8. Great Wall Warriors
  9. Niagara Knockouts
  10. Colosseum Crushers

Famous Features

  1. Sunken City Smashers
  2. Grand Canyon Crushers
  3. Yellowstone Yarders
  4. Pacific Punishers
  5. Sahara Slammers
  6. Amazon Avengers
  7. Everest Evaders
  8. Coral Reef Crushers
  9. Arctic Blizzards
  10. Volcano Dodgers

Word Blend & Made-Up Dodgeball Team Names

  1. Dodgenauts
  2. Ballisticos
  3. Evadicons
  4. Smashalots
  5. Dodgerators
  6. Flingsters
  7. Blizzballers
  8. Swiftquakes
  9. Hurlstormers
  10. Strikoflare

Tips for Choosing the Right Team Name

When picking a dodgeball team name, consider:

  • Personality: Choose a name that reflects your team’s attitude—funny, intimidating, or creative.
  • Theme: Base it on a shared interest like movies, music, or colors.
  • Simplicity: A short, catchy name is easier to remember.
  • Team Consensus: Get everyone involved in brainstorming to find a name that excites the whole squad.
  • Uniqueness: Avoid common names by blending words or using puns.


Choosing the perfect dodgeball team name can make your team stand out and add excitement to the game. Whether you’re looking for something funny, intimidating, or creative, this list has you covered. Pick a name, get your jerseys ready, and dominate the court!

Now, it’s time to gather your squad, pick your dodgeball team name, and start dodging, throwing, and winning! 🚀


How do I choose the best dodgeball team name?

Selecting the right dodgeball team name depends on your team’s personality, theme, and overall vibe. Consider whether you want a funny, intimidating, or creative name. You can also take inspiration from colors, pop culture, or geographic locations. Involve your team in brainstorming and choose a name that everyone loves!

Why should a dodgeball team have a unique name?

A unique team name helps build identity, boosts morale, and makes your team stand out in tournaments or leagues. A memorable name can also intimidate opponents and create a strong team presence.

What makes a dodgeball team name memorable?

A great dodgeball team name is short, catchy, and easy to pronounce. Using alliteration, puns, or humor can make it more fun and memorable. Names inspired by famous landmarks, mythology, or pop culture can also create a strong impact.

Should my dodgeball team name be funny or competitive?

It depends on your team’s style and goals. If your team enjoys having fun and keeping the game lighthearted, a funny or pun-based name is a great choice. If you’re serious about competition, an intimidating or powerful name might be a better fit.

Can we change our dodgeball team name later?

Yes! Many teams update their name over time based on new inspirations, inside jokes, or team changes. However, it’s best to pick a solid name early on to build team recognition and a lasting identity.

How can I make my dodgeball team name stand out?

Avoid generic names by mixing unique words, using creative wordplay, or adding a local touch. Incorporating regional landmarks, colors, or historical references can give your team a special edge.

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